
Ami’s book habits here.  This link takes a look at my Goodreads habits and turns them in to statistics. It gives you an idea of what kind of reader / reviewer I am.


I am an avid reader.  I spend large amounts of time reading and I will try to sneak in extra reading whenever I can – waiting on a friend or in a line or at a doctors office.

Everyone in my RL is sick of hearing me go on and on…..and on…… about the latest book I just finished or what my new fave. author is doing.

I am a very socially awkward person who has always felt very, well, awkward having to, you know… talk to people. Eye contact. Crazy.  I don’t like it.  Then I smile because that’s what I think I’m supposed to do, but I just feel like I’m smiling like I don’t know what smiles are for and it just gets more… awkward.

I would much rather just sit there and read.

Fave genres & topics:  Horror, 1930’s &  40’s pulps, fiction & non-fiction sharks and dinosaurs, ancient history, sci-fi horror, animals (land, sea or air), archeology, anthropology, space exploration & cosmology, cozy mysteries, evolution (of animals and humankind), DNA / genes,  medical histories, non-fiction tragedies ( The Donner Party, the lost Franklin expedition,  The black plague, Roanoke,  the whaleship Essex, etc.), unexplained mysteries & conspiracy theories.

Least faves:  Romance,  young adult, plays, epic fantasy (Lord of the Rings,  Games of Thrones, etc.), US history, religion, political.

Maybes: Biographies, true crime, poetry.